BrokerTech Ventures Accelerator Opens for 2023 Cohort Applications

BrokerTech Ventures (BTV), the industry’s first broker-led convening platform and accelerator program, has opened the application window for its 2023 BrokerTech Ventures Accelerator program.

Since its founding, BTV has grown to include 15 of the most notable super-regional brokerage firms in the nation, 14 of the world’s most highly respected insurance carriers and wholesalers, and 48 insurtech startups from around the world, inclusive of those in the U.S., Israeli, and Latin American accelerator programs. The company is dedicated to fostering innovation in the insurance space by providing early-stage insurtech companies the support to develop tech solutions for the industry.

The concept of the BTV Accelerator is to be an “innovation hub” and proof of concept environment for broker-centric products and technology solutions, ultimately bringing validated solutions to the industry. The ideal candidates for the Accelerator are early-stage insurtech startups.

The deadline for BTV Accelerator submissions is December 15, 2022. The initial review will be in January, with the top 20 startups chosen to take part in the Selection Series in early March. The Selection Series will be a virtual event where BTV partners can dig deeper into the products, companies, and teams. Subsequently, the cohort will begin the five-week Accelerator program in April 2023. More than $500,000 in funding is at stake for the selected broker-centric, seed and early-stage startups, with each startup receiving up to $50,000.

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